A core functionality of many CRMs and various similar pieces of technology you've used before is the ability to filter and sort leads as you'd like. This can be a very important feature when you're focused on sifting through often years of data to find what you need.
When it comes to FranFunnel, we're much more focused on the leads and activity that are important right now.
The goal of the lead feed is to keep the most relevant leads for you at the top of the list:
In order to do this, we use a sorting algorithm called last interaction.
While that's the fancy term, you can think of the way that we order leads similar to how the text message app on your phone orders conversations. The most recent conversations are found at the top, followed in descending order by the less and less recent conversations.
Essentially, every time a lead is either added to FranFunnel or takes an action (responds to a text, opens or clicks an e-mail), it is promoted to the top of the list. So as leads are doing things, you not only are notified about them but you’re visually cued to take an action if you feel compelled to.
Archiving a lead removes it from the list.
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